The Story of Live Edge Solutions

 The catalyst for Live Edge Solutions was an intense summer storm in 2016 that ripped through the Driftless in Southwest Wisconsin. One-hundred mile per hour straight-line winds snapped trees in half and knocked down 75 year-old cherry and oak trees, all wanting another chance to live on and showcase their beauty. We rescued the logs and starting milling boards. The vision of Live Edge Solutions began to take hold. We founded Live Edge Solutions in 2020 to share these wonders of nature and provide handcrafted wood products for everyday use. Our products are produced from rescued trees retrieved from our 30 acre family forest in the Driftless region. No two products are alike. Care is taken to reveal the natural beauty of each piece of wood, and so-called imperfections are celebrated. The history of the log remains intact, be it beetle holes, fungal spalting, or small knots left hollow. Each board is its own work of art, revealing the unique beauty that can only come from Mother Nature.


Live Edge Solutions is committed to sustainable woodland practices.

Our woodlands are certified by both the ATFS and the FSC.


We use Wisconsin forestry management best-practices in association with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.


American Tree Farm System (ATFS)

More than 90% of our handcrafted products are rescued wood from storm-damaged trees.

Forestry Steward Council (FSC)

Throughout ours woodlands, we control invasive species, and aim to restore the natural beauty of Wisconsin that existed here before intensive farming practices.
